A positive side to hell

What the hell, I’m sat here now, comfortably staring at a red candle I’ve just lit. For some unknown reason Hell, the place, pops into my mind.

Hell, Hell, Hell. I’m thinking to myself, enough times that it no longer makes sense. (You know when you think of a word so many times that it starts to sound like it doesn’t exist.)

So now, I’m contemplating Hell.

Never a positive side to Hell,

Except for the heat, 

We all know this well,

But what if hell is not the place we should loath,

What if it’s a place lost souls long to go.

A place without fear,

Without hate or mistrust,

A place to call home for those that have lost,

Losing a new life, a holding cell,

For those who did not know so well.

For there we live on,

Day in day out,

Were told what life is really all about,

And to earth we come again one day,

And spread the news of how to live, we’ll show them the way.


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